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    How to customize the task view to suit your needs

    Tallyfy’s custom task views allow you to easily sort through tasks, find tasks assigned to other team members and guests, and effectively manage workloads. Here’s how you can get started:

    ​​ Add filter

    To begin, navigate to the ‘Add Filter’ option in the Tasks tab. Next, add as many filters as necessary. You have the flexibility to filter by status, task assignee (including guest emails), task state (Overdue, Due Soon, On time), tag, template used, or even by the name of the process.

    Advanced Task Filters


    ​​ Easy Task Sorting

    Stay organized with Tallyfy’s task-sorting options. Sort tasks by Most Delayed or Most Recent with just a few clicks. Simply select your preferred sorting option from the dropdown list in the top right corner.

    Easy Task Sorting