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    Settings you can configure in a template

    The Settings button in a template allows you to customize and configure the overall behavior and permissions for your template.

    This includes some general actions like duplicating, archiving, downloading, and renaming the template. You can do a lot more too - like add a description, uploading the original process document or flowchart, adding tags, managing permisions, and more.

    ​​ General


    ​​ Duplicate

    This tool allows you to create a copy of the template, which can be useful when you want to create a new template based on an existing one.

    You’ll have the option of naming the duplicate template or keeping the default name we suggest - which is “COPY OF - [original template name]”.


    ​​ Archive

    This tool allows you to archive the template, which will remove it from the active templates list. You can always unarchive it later if you need to.

    ​​ Print

    This tool allows you to print the “Readable” version of the template. This version is a simplified version of the template that can be printed or saved as a PDF. You can learn more about printing and exporting templates here


    ​​ Folderize

    This tool allows you to move the template to a folder. This is extremely helpful when you want to better organize your templates. You can learn more about organizing templates here


    ​​ Summary


    You’ll find a summary of your template here, as well as the following options:

    • Add a description to your template.
    • Change the status of the template.
    • Upload an explanation video to it. If a video URL exists, a small “play” icon will exist on the “Templates” section so that people can click it to watch the video for the template. A video would be a great way to record an overview or explanation of it.
    • General information about who is assigned, the creator, last time updated, etc.
    • Settings to force the process to be added to a folder when launched. This means that when launching - the launcher will need to specify a folder to add the process to. This is great to organize where the process fits before launching, rather than hope that it gets organized after launch.
    • Set a rule to force the process to be tagged before launching it. This means that when launching - the launcher will need to specify one or more tags for the process. This is great to categorize what the process is about before launching, rather than hope that it gets organized after launch.
    • Upload the original document for the process. This can be a Word/PDF/flowchart document, just to preserve the original source from which the template was first created.
    • Add tags to the process. These are tags that are used within the “Templates” section to organize lots of templates.
    • Add special instructions to it - these show up before you launch the process.
    • Set the template to emit a “noisy” webhook for every task completed.

    ​​ Activity

    This tab shows you the activity log for the template, which includes all the changes made to the template, who made them, and when they were made.


    ​​ Permissions


    The permissions section allows you to configure the permissions of your template. You can choose who can view, edit, duplicate, launch processes and even who can see process once is launched.

    ​​ Public to the world

    This option will make your template appear in the public library of templates, essentially making it visible and accessible to everyone in the world.

    ​​ For this template

    These allow you to customize who has access to editing, reading, and duplicating the specified template, you can choose to allow everyone or a custom set of assignees - groups as well as individuals.

    ​​ For launching processes with this template

    Allows you to customize who can launch and access the process when using this template, you can choose to allow everyone or a custom set of assignees - groups as well as individuals.

    ​​ Allow one-off or ad-hoc tasks

    By default, any member who is assigned in a process will be able to add extra tasks to the process - which we call “one-off tasks”. If you uncheck this option, nobody will be able to add one-off tasks to the process. This is useful for templates where nothing extra is allowed to be added, often for compliance or legal reasons.

    ​​ Export


    Shows you your Org ID as well as the Template ID. Useful when providing information to Tallyfy’s support team, or when integrating Tallyfy. If you want to copy this template to another organization - you can give them these two values, and they will be able to import it into their own organization. Learn more about importing .

    Sometimes, consultants or third-parties use it to build a template in one organization called OrgA - but then copy over the template to another organization - OrgB.