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    How to add a comment to a processes

    Welcome to Tallyfy, where you can easily communicate and collaborate with your team! In this article, we’ll learn how to manage comments in Tallyfy.

    Comments are a powerful way to share ideas, provide feedback, and discuss details with your team. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this feature!

    Editing Comments

    • Find the comment you want to edit
    • Click on the Edit button
    • Make your desired changes
    • Remember to save your changes

    Edit Comment

    Deleting Comments

    • Locate the comment you want to delete
    • Click on the Delete button
    • Confirm the deletion

    Delete Comment

    That’s it! It’s as simple as that. With these steps, you can easily edit and delete comments in Tallyfy.

    Start collaborating with your team and make communication a breeze. Happy commenting!