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    How to launch a process manually

    To launch a process in Tallyfy:

    1. From your Home screen, click on Launch Process. Alternatively, you can select + Create and then Process. Both options will take you to your Templates view where you can find the template you want to launch:

    Launch Process

    1. Select Launch Process:

    Select Launch Process

    1. Give your process a Name. You can also change assignees and deadlines after you name your process.

    Name Process

    1. Once the process is launched, you will be taken to the active process view. Each assignee will receive notifications regarding their tasks and deadlines!

    2. Keep track of your progress in the Tracker view:

    Tracker View

    1. If the template you launched has hidden steps, you can choose to view “Hidden steps” in the “Show hidden tasks” option:

    Add filter

    Hidden Tasks

    1. To make changes to deadlines and assignees, select the desired task and change it from there. Please note that for hidden tasks, you will not be able to view their description and form fields.

    Change Assignees and Deadlines