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Make a process visible to outsiders or guests

How to make a process visible to outsiders or guests

Sometimes, you’ll need a way to share the state of a process with someone outside of your company. To achieve this. Tallyfy gives you access to a public link that displays a READ-ONLY version of your process that can be accessed by anyone with the link.

You can get this link by making your process Public:

  1. Open your Tracker view and select the process you want to share.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Select the permissions section.
  4. Select Public to the world and mark it as yes
  5. You’ll get multiple options regarding what is visible. Choose the ones that fit your needs the best. Image

You’ll get a link that you can share with anyone you want to give access to the process. They will be able to access the Steps and View sections of your process, but they won’t be able to make any changes to it.

Guests > The guest view

The guest view provides a straightforward dashboard interface that lets external users monitor and engage with their assigned processes through task tracking notifications and process status updates.

Tracker View > Manage and track my processes

Tallyfy’s cloud-based platform offers comprehensive process management through a user-friendly dashboard that enables tracking sorting filtering and monitoring progress statuses for enhanced workflow efficiency.

Tracker View > Check process activity

The Activity stream feature enables users to monitor all process-related actions through a detailed log accessible via Settings and Activity tab in the Tracker.