Tallyfy has two icons on the left navigation:
- Tracker - which lets you track the high-level status of any process you’ve launched. Think of this as the “10,000 foot view”
- Tasks - which lets you track individual tasks - either one-off tasks or those that belong to a process. Think of this as the “10 foot view”.
Tracker View > Organize processes
Users can effectively sort and manage their processes through tags folders and customizable filtering options in both Tasks and Tracker views.
Tracking And Tasks > Tracker view
The Tracker offers a customizable interface displaying process statuses through either a card-based board view or a configurable table format with filtering capabilities.
Tracking And Tasks > Tasks view
The Tasks view displays all assigned tasks with filtering options to sort through personal assigned unassigned and completed tasks while enabling creation of ad-hoc tasks.
Tracking And Tasks > More about tasks
Tallyfy distinguishes between standalone one-off tasks and process-linked tasks while primarily focusing on managing recurring processes within its workflow system.