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Cancel and delete your Tallyfy account

How to cancel and delete your Tallyfy account

To cancel and delete your Tallyfy account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to your account and click on “Settings”.
  2. Go to the “Billing” tab.
  3. Click on “DELETE ACCOUNT”.
  4. Fill out and submit the closure form at, making sure to enter the correct Organization ID for the account you want to close. Image

Once you’ve submitted the closure form, a Tallyfy Support team member will confirm when your account has been permanently deleted. This will also stop all billing associated with your account.

Members > Resending or withdrawing invites

The platform allows users to easily manage invitations by accessing the Organization Members section under Settings, where they can either resend lost invites or withdraw incorrect ones using the Action column.

Org Settings > Remove a Member

Members can be removed from Tallyfy through the Settings menu while its conflict resolution system automatically reassigns their pending tasks and templates to active members.

Members > Remove a member

Members can be removed from organizations through the settings menu, with tasks automatically reassigned through conflict resolution to ensure smooth transitions.

Edit Processes > Delete a process

Archived processes can be permanently deleted from Tallyfy by accessing the Tracker view, filtering for archived items, and clicking the Delete button on the desired process.