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Launch a process from a web form

How to populate fields in a process using a web form

Do you want to streamline your workflow and easily populate fields in Tallyfy from a web form? Look no further! With Tallyfy, you can launch a process and automatically fill in the required information using a simple web form. Let’s dive into the details!


Before we get started, make sure you have the following:

  1. A Tallyfy account: If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Tallyfy account so you can take full advantage of its amazing features and functionalities.

  2. A webform: You’ll need a web form that will collect the necessary information from your users. Don’t worry if you don’t have one yet, Tallyfy has got you covered!

Launching a Process and Populating Fields

Once you have everything set up, follow these steps:

  1. Create a process in Tallyfy: Log into your Tallyfy account and navigate to the Processes tab. Click on the “New Process” button and give it a name that reflects its purpose.

  2. Customize your process: Tallyfy allows you to add steps, assign tasks, and set due dates to make your workflow efficient and seamless. Feel free to tailor the process to your specific needs.

  3. Enable webform integration: In the process settings, enable the webform integration option. This will generate a unique web form URL for your process.

  4. Share the webform URL: Copy the webform URL and share it with your users. They can now fill in the required fields directly from the web form.

  5. Automatically populate fields: To automatically populate fields in Tallyfy, you can pass the values from the webform using query parameters. All you need to do is append the field name(s) and their corresponding value(s) to the webform URL.

Here’s an example of how to populate a field named “customer_name” with the value “John Doe”:

Make sure to URL encode the values if they contain spaces or special characters.

That’s it! You’ve successfully launched a process and populated fields in Tallyfy from a web form. Now sit back, relax, and let Tallyfy handle the rest!

Launching > Launch manually

Launching a process in Tallyfy involves selecting a template from the home screen naming it assigning tasks with deadlines and monitoring progress through the tracker view while managing hidden steps and making necessary adjustments.

Open Api > Launch a process using Tallyfy API

Starting a process through Tallyfy API requires obtaining an access token preparing JSON with process details and making a POST request to the API endpoint with appropriate headers and task assignment configurations.

Zapier > Action to 'Launch Process'

A comprehensive walkthrough of setting up a custom Zapier integration that automates process launches in Tallyfy by connecting Google Forms responses with customizable process attributes and task assignments.

Tasks > Types of form fields

Tallyfy offers diverse form field options including short text long text dropdown lists checklists radio buttons date/time fields file uploads tables and assignee pickers with customizable settings for efficient data collection in workflows.