How to schedule a process to launch automatically on a recurring schedule
Here’s a simple guide to help you get started using Zapier as an example platform. The process is similar for Microsoft Power Automate and other middleware platforms, so feel free to adapt the steps accordingly.
Select the “schedule” trigger in Zapier
Choose a day of the month and time of day
Select the Tallyfy “Launch Process” action
Select which blueprint you would like to use and what you would like to name it
Test that the Zap works, give it a name and turn it on!
Zapier streamlines the automation of monthly processes by scheduling triggers on the first day of each month and connecting them to Tallyfy’s process launch action.
A comprehensive workflow automation guide explaining how to use Zaps to find and complete process tasks in Tallyfy through custom triggers, process searching, and task completion steps.
The guide outlines the step-by-step process of integrating Google Forms with Tallyfy through Zapier to automatically launch and customize processes with form responses, including assignee selection, deadline settings, and data mapping configurations.