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Launching is ridiculously fun!

Launching a process involves grabbing a copy of template and running it for a specific situation.

You are taking the template (recipe) and copying it for a specific scenario at the moment you launch it.

One template can have many processes. An example of a template is “Client Onboarding” and an example of a process that uses that template is “Coca Cola”. In other words - we’re running the process “Coca Cola” using the template “Client Onboarding”.

If you make changes to a template, they only reflect on the next process you launch.

Tutorials > Launch a process

Process launching involves naming, configuring kick-off forms, assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress through the Tracker view after selecting the Launch button from the Templates section.

Tracking And Tasks > More about processes

A process represents a unique instance launched from a template that can be customized with ad-hoc tasks and maintains its own audit trail while following a specific naming convention for easy identification and tracking.

Launching > Triggers

Processes can be initiated either manually or automatically through various triggers which enable data transfer from external systems into Tallyfy without manual data entry.