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Automate monthly process launch with Zapier

How to automate a monthly process launch with zapier

Automating processes in Tallyfy can save you time and effort. Learn how to automatically launch a process on the 1st of every month using Zapier.

To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the “schedule” trigger in Zapier.
  1. Choose a day of the month and time of day.
  1. Select the Tallyfy “Launch Process” action.
  1. Choose the template you want to use and give it a name.
  1. Test the Zap, give it a name, and turn it on!

Launching > Automatically schedule a process

A step-by-step walkthrough for scheduling automatic recurring processes using Zapier’s schedule trigger and Tallyfy’s Launch Process action to automate workflow initialization.

Zapier > Automate tasks in Tallyfy using zaps

Tasks in Tallyfy can be automated through Zaps by selecting triggers sending custom data finding process tasks and marking them complete using Process ID and Task ID obtained from the Find Process Task action.

Middleware > Zapier

Zapier enables users to connect Tallyfy with various apps for automated task management and workflow creation without requiring coding knowledge.

Zapier > Tallyfy & Zapier

Tallyfy integrates with Zapier to enable seamless task management and workflow automation across multiple apps while focusing on human-driven processes without requiring coding expertise.