Users can modify various template elements by accessing the Edit view through clicking the edit button which opens an interface for making comprehensive changes.
Add a description to a template
To add a description to any template - select the Edit view within the template editor, and click on the step you want to edit. Look for the Description drawer.

If it’s a procedure template - you would need to click on a step in order to edit the description. If it’s a document template - you will see the entire document template immediately in the Edit mode of the template editor.
You’ll see a description text box on the menu, so just type in your new description. We save your changes in the background.

Edit Templates > Change a template's status
The template status feature enables tracking progress through four stages from Started to Published while allowing different user roles to modify the status either through the Templates library or Template Editor settings.
Templates can be modified by adding new steps using the Add Step option while existing steps can be customized through description editing form field adjustments task type changes timing configurations and advanced settings like process launching and assignee requirements.
Users can enhance procedure descriptions by adding images files videos links tables and URLs through the Edit view’s Insert option in Tallyfy.
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