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Automate task assignments

What are assignment actions

Asignment actions allow you to dynamically assign people to a task when a condition is met.

  • Choosing the Assign action will ONLY add any assignee you decide to the ongoing task.
  • Choosing the Assign only action will remove any current assignee and replace it with the ones you specify.

Example: If Step A is completed, Assign Person A,B and C to step D.

Assignment example

The example above establishes that once a condition is met, Richard Matthews will be the only person assigned to Step #2. Pretty simple right?

Edit Task > Assign members or guests after launching

Members can be assigned to tasks through various methods in Tallyfy, including template assignments, process launch assignments, and direct task assignments, ensuring clear responsibility allocation and workflow efficiency.

Automations > Actions

Tallyfy’s automation system uses Assignment, Deadline, Status, and Visibility actions to execute specific tasks automatically when predetermined conditions are met.

Actions > Automate deadline shifts on tasks

Deadline actions enable automatic adjustment of task deadlines relative to other tasks’ deadlines through a flexible time-shifting mechanism that responds to specified conditions.

Actions > Automate changing the status of tasks

Status actions enable the reopening of completed steps in a workflow, particularly useful in approval processes where rejected steps can trigger the reopening of previous tasks until successful completion.