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Invite and activate members

How to invite new members to your organization

Welcome to Tallyfy - your ultimate solution for streamlining your organization’s workflows! In this article, we’ll show you how to invite and activate members in just a few simple steps.

Inviting a Member

To invite a new member to your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Invite+ in the sidebar or in the drop-down menu next to your name. You can also access it through the sidebar Settings or the +Create option in the sidebar.
  1. Enter the member’s information and choose their role - either Admin or Standard.
member info

Activating Your Tallyfy Member Invitation

If you’ve been invited to join a Tallyfy organization, here’s how you can activate your account:

  1. Check your email for an invitation and click on the Join Now button.

  2. Set a password for your account.

set password
  1. Once activated, you’ll appear as an Active member in the Settings > Organization > Members.

That’s it! You’re now ready to collaborate and maximize productivity with Tallyfy. Happy workflow management!

Guests > Convert a guest into a member

Guest accounts can be upgraded to full membership status through the Organization Settings menu by selecting the guest profile and clicking the ‘Convert to member’ option.

Tutorials > Create an organization

Sign up at using Microsoft or Google accounts, fill out the required fields, and receive instant access to sample templates and guidance for navigating the platform.

Members > Change the role of a member

Member roles in Tallyfy can be modified through the Organization Settings by selecting the desired member and choosing from the available role options.

Members > Manage member permissions

Tallyfy’s permission system allows administrators to control Standard members’ access to templates, processes, and member invitations through template editor settings and process sidebar configurations.