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How to remove a member

How to remove a member from your organization

Welcome to Tallyfy’s help article on how to remove a member! 🎉

To remove a member from your organization, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your Settings.
  2. Select Organization and then Members.
  3. Click on the name of the member you want to remove, scroll down, and delete! Image

Don’t worry, Tallyfy has got you covered with a nifty feature called conflict resolution. This feature automatically reassigns any pending tasks and templates owned by the deleted member to another active member. This means you don’t have to manually check and reassign everything yourself.

You can even find out who removed a member by selecting their name and checking the Activity section at the bottom of their profile.

Here’s an example of how conflict resolution works on Tallyfy:

So, if the member you’re removing had tasks or steps assigned to them, Tallyfy will prompt you to reassign them:


Finally, after you’ve performed the bulk re-assignment, you’ll receive a confirmation message indicating that the member was removed successfully.

That’s it! Removing members from your organization is now a breeze with Tallyfy. Happy organizing! 😄🌈

Org Settings > Remove a Member

Members can be removed from Tallyfy through the Settings menu while its conflict resolution system automatically reassigns their pending tasks and templates to active members.

Members > Convert a member to a guest

Members can be converted to guests by first disabling their account and then using the ‘Convert to guest’ option in the Organization settings under Members.

Members > Change the role of a member

Member roles in Tallyfy can be modified through the Organization Settings by selecting the desired member and choosing from the available role options.