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Convert a member to a guest

How can you convert a member to a guest in your organization

Sometimes, you may need to convert a member to a guest in your organization. This can be done easily in Tallyfy. Here’s how:

Disable a member

The first step is to disable the member you want to convert to a guest. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Settings and click on Organization. Then, select Members.
  2. Find the profile name of the member you want to disable and click on it.
  3. Scroll down until you see a button that says Deactivate Account. Click on it to disable the member. image
  4. Then, you will need to either reassign any tasks the selected member has, or select the Deactivate without reassigning their tasks option.

Convert a member to a guest

Once you have disabled the member, you can convert them to a guest. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Settings and click on Organization. Then, select Members.
  2. Find the profile name of the member you disabled and click on the Convert to guest option.

That’s it! You have successfully converted a member to a guest in Tallyfy.

Guests > Convert a guest into a member

Guest accounts can be upgraded to full membership status through the Organization Settings menu by selecting the guest profile and clicking the ‘Convert to member’ option.

Members > Change the role of a member

Member roles in Tallyfy can be modified through the Organization Settings by selecting the desired member and choosing from the available role options.

Members > How to remove a member

Members can be removed from organizations through the settings menu, with tasks automatically reassigned through conflict resolution to ensure smooth transitions.

Org Settings > Remove a Member

Members can be removed from Tallyfy through the Settings menu while its conflict resolution system automatically reassigns their pending tasks and templates to active members.