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What is a guest

Guests in Tallyfy explained

Sometimes, we want to involve someone outside of our company in a specific process, but we don’t necessarily want to invite them to join our entire company on Tallyfy. We certainly don’t want them to have access to every single process or, worse, sensitive data of our company. This is where setting up a Guest becomes a very good idea.

When you set up a guest in Tallyfy, this person will only be able to see and complete tasks assigned to them, along with some other limitations that are explored in detail later in the article.

If you want to know more about how to include a guest in your processes. Check this article.

Difference between a guest and a member in Tallyfy


Members have access to various features such as logging into a Tallyfy account, creating tasks and templates, viewing templates, launching processes, and inviting other members and guests. You can find a list of all members in your Tallyfy Organization under Settings.


You get unlimited, free guests on Tallyfy.

Guests are free users designed for transient clients, customers, or partners outside your organization. They can be assigned one-off tasks or tasks in a specific process after it has launched. Guests do not log in and can securely see only the task or form assigned to them, ensuring the confidentiality of internal organizational information. They can view their assigned tasks via a guest multitask link.

However, guests have certain limitations. They cannot reopen tasks, make comments, edit or assign tasks, view templates or processes, launch processes, or view tasks assigned to others. Each task can only be assigned to one guest email.

Documenting > Guests

Guests in Tallyfy are external users who can access specific assigned tasks through unique forever links without requiring login while members maintain oversight of their activities through task co-assignment.

Guests > The guest view

The guest view provides a straightforward dashboard interface that lets external users monitor and engage with their assigned processes through task tracking notifications and process status updates.

Guests > Assign tasks to guests

Guest users can be assigned tasks through multiple methods including template assignment task commenting or post-launch assignment while maintaining secure access through unique task links and email notifications.

Guests > Get a guest's unique link

Guest task links can be accessed either through the task’s menu options by clicking the three-dot icon or through the Settings > Organization > Guests section for a centralized view of all guest links.