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Get a guest's unique link

Are you having trouble finding the link to a task assigned to a guest in Tallyfy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

To find the link, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the task you assigned to the guest.
  2. Click on the ⋮ icon next to the task.
  3. If the task has been assigned to a guest, you will see the option “Copy Guest Link”. Click on it.

Here’s what it looks like:


Alternatively, you can also access guest task links for all your guests by going to Settings > Organization > Guests > Copy Guest Link.

Take a look:


Now you’ll be able to easily find and share the task links with your guests. Happy collaborating!

Guests > What is a guest

Tallyfy’s guest feature enables external collaborators to access and complete specific assigned tasks without full system access, maintaining organizational security while members retain comprehensive platform privileges.

Documenting > Guests

Tallyfy’s guest feature enables unlimited external users to access and complete specific assigned tasks without login requirements, while maintaining security through unique forever links and member supervision.

Guests > Assign tasks to guests

Tasks can be assigned to guests by selecting “Guest” or entering their email in the Assign tab, during process launch, through task comments using ‘+email’, or after launching a process via the assignee dropdown menu.

Guests > Re-open tasks as a guest

Process owners can reopen completed guest tasks by using the “Re-Open” button, which sends a new notification to the guest while maintaining task finality and preventing unauthorized changes.