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Re-open tasks as a guest

How to re-open a task to a guest user

Guests can only complete a task once, and they cannot re-open them.

This is because we’d like guest tasks and decision to have a sense of finality and completeness - because you might have many other steps that follow key decisions.

If a guest wants to re-open a task - they can always add a comemnt to it.

They are like web forms that cannot be accessed after the first submission. This ensures that no changes are made without your knowledge.

If you need your guest to re-complete a task, you can easily re-open it. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your Active Process and click on the necessary step.

  2. Click on “Re-Open”.

  3. An email will be sent to your guest and the step will be accessible again.

Once a task is re-opened and assigned to a guest, you can copy the guest link by clicking on the ellipsis icon. This allows you to view the step in Guest mode and resend the link if needed.

Guests can also see all their tasks in one place called the “Tracker” and can leave comments to collaborate better.

Tasks > Complete or reopen tasks

Tasks can be completed by clicking the checkmark or selecting ‘Complete’ button, and easily reopened when needed through the ‘Re-Open’ option.

Guests > Get a guest's unique link

Guest task links can be accessed either through the task’s menu options or via the Organization Settings under the Guests section, allowing easy sharing of specific tasks with external collaborators.

Guests > What is a guest

Tallyfy’s guest feature enables external collaborators to access and complete specific assigned tasks without full system access, maintaining organizational security while members retain comprehensive platform privileges.

Documenting > Guests

Tallyfy’s guest feature enables unlimited external users to access and complete specific assigned tasks without login requirements, while maintaining security through unique forever links and member supervision.