Key Ways to Significantly Improve Business Process Management

Every time you contact a client, develop a new product or deal with a customer complaint, you likely follow a certain set of steps. These steps are known as business processes and they not only save you time, they help your organization run more efficiently. As the market continues to evolve and expectations continue to shift, it is important to regularly improve business process management within your organization.

Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection. Kim Collins

Business processes can easily become ineffective, wasting time and resources. And ineffective business processes can lead to disgruntled employees, higher costs, and missed opportunities for growth. If you want to see your organization continue to grow, operate efficiently, and have a greater source of impact on customers, it is important to continually evaluate and improve business processes. The information in this article will look at how you can accomplish this and the benefits it can bring to your organization.

Understanding Business Process Management

Business processes are fundamental to the ability of a company to successfully execute business strategies. Technology, the right employees, and supporting structures can all help make this happen. But having the right processes in place is the best way businesses can deliver value to their customers and continue to remain competitive. So the question becomes, how do companies develop high-performing business processes?

Business process management examines and evaluates the processes that are present in an organization. It ensures that any processes in place are effective and cost-efficient. It identifies and improves existing processes so the entire organization can continue to find better ways to get things done.

These processes can be both formal and informal. Formal processes will have well-established steps, such as creating and receiving invoices. Formal processes are important when there are safety, legal, and financial reasons.

Informal processes are general processes you have created yourself and they may not be documented. You may have informal steps for finding new prospective clients or leading meetings with your team.

  The easiest way to document and improve your processes is by using Business Process Management Software (BPMS). Give our platform a try – it’s free for up to 5 users! Alternatively, if you’re not sure which software provider to go with, check out our complete guide to BPM solutions.

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Why it is Important to Improve Business Process Management

Business process management is designed to making daily workflow more productive. But when processes are inefficient or dysfunctional they can lead to a number of problems in the organization. They can affect the quality of service you provide to customers. They can lead to employees that are frustrated and unhappy. And costs can increase as resources are wasted.

Here are the 3 benefits of improving business process management:

  1. Efficiency: Many business processes can become inefficient due to poorly monitored progress or manual effort. Improving business processes will increase efficiency and get rid of activities that waste time and resources.
  1. Effectiveness: As business processes become more efficient, they also become more effective. This will lead to better-informed decisions, better execution of necessary tasks, and improved customer experiences. This will make the organization more profitable and competitive within its industry.
  1. Greater Flexibility: It is important for the business to have tools that are flexible and easy to adjust. Businesses that have out-of-date, inflexible business processes are more likely to be left behind. New opportunities, regulations, or partners can all require flexibility in order to accommodate different ways to doing things.

How to Improve Business Process Management

The first step to improve business process management is to identify what areas need change. By evaluating what is working well and what areas could use improvement, you will be able to prioritize your focus for business improvement. You can also review how each process affects your organization and customers.

Once you have decided what process you are going to improve, you need to analyze the current procedure. You can do this using a Flowchart, which will give you a visual model of the steps. Keep in mind that some processes may contain sub-steps you aren’t aware of, so it is important to study this thoroughly.

By fully understanding the process you can set objectives for real improvement. Consider what steps in the current process are broken and if there are any steps that cause costs to increase. Speak to the people who are directly affected by this process and find out what they think is wrong with it and how it could be improved.

Once you begin redesigning the process, it is a good idea to include anyone who is directly involved in the process. Not only will they have good ideas to contribute, but if they are more involved from an early stage they are more likely to be open to change.

  Interested in improving business processes, rather than BPM? Check out our guide with 4+ practical ideas.

Implementing the New Business Process

When you improve business process management, it will likely involve changing current systems or processes. Implementing a new process can be a cumbersome task so it is important to plan and manage this step carefully. Remember that people are often resistant to change, especially when it involves a process they have been using for a long time and are comfortable with.

Few things work the way we want them to, so monitor closely how things go in the coming weeks and months to ensure the new process is meeting expectations. Monitoring progress will also allow you to address problems as they crop up.

Continue to include everyone who is involved in the new process and gather their feedback on how they feel it is working. Being open to hearing their frustration or resistance can eliminate bigger problems down the road.

Continue to stay flexible and make small improvements regularly so you can ensure the process stays relevant and efficient. And if you are just beginning to come up with solutions and looking for guidance, Continuous Improvement Tools can help you begin to develop strategies.


Business processes are a set of steps used repeatedly to reach a certain goal or provide a certain product or experience. When these processes work well they can improve efficiency, effectiveness, and reduce waste in your organization. Ineffective process cause frustration, delays, and increased costs.

Business process management is a fundamental tool businesses can use to keep their organization running smoothly. Because the market is always changing, it is necessary to improve business process management to avoid have outdated, inefficient processes. In order to remain successful and competitive, the business must constantly improve business process management.

The key to improving business process management is to understand the current performance of a process, identify what level of performance is desired, and come up with a plan to achieve this level of performance. Using an app like Tallyfy can help you define your workflow, execute improvements, and measure process improvement along the way.

Do you regularly improve business process management in your organization? What stages do you follow? Let us know in the comments section below.

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We have a lot to say about workflow and business processes. We truly believe in continuous improvement. But it’s not really about us. We publish these articles to help you find Tallyfy, and to provide you with information that will help you make informed buying decisions.

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About the author - Amit Kothari

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