Publishing documentation or flowcharts is of limited use

You need one platform for both READ-DO and DO-CONFIRM scenarios

Process documentation alone is never the answer

“Yea – nice process. But actually doing it every day is the real-life problem!”


  • For policies
  • For situations where procedures have been thought out in advance
  • It’s difficult or impossible to spread change if the process improves
  • Very few read-do processes are updated or relevant


  • For procedures done regularly involving various teams or people
  • For complex procedures where preventing mistakes is critical
  • For procedures where tracking who has done what is critical
  • Regular use means procedures stay fresh and efficient

Documenting is broken

  • Nobody reads process docs and wikis
  • Nobody looks at hand-crafted flowcharts
  • Old, irrelevant instructions are confusing
  • Impossible to delegate with old processes

Tallyfy transforms documenting

  • Use Tallyfy AI to create or migrate process templates
  • Simple “if this then that” rules replace flowcharts
  • Use metrics and feedback to improve templates
  • Engage better with photos and videos

Busywork to track status wastes upto 2 hrs/person/day

Run and scale operations on a platform that eliminates busywork

Status tracking is a real waste of time

“Is this done?”“Who’s doing this?”“I forgot!”“What’s next?”

Tracking status is painful

  • You need to ask people manually
  • Mistakes are everywhere.
  • Everyone’s re-entering, re-tasking & reminding
  • Everyone hates meetings to check-in

Tallyfy transforms tracking

  • Run your process – don’t just read it
  • Everyone can see the status of who has done what
  • Eliminate status meetings, chats and emails
  • Eliminate the need for reminders – Tallyfy handles that

You can’t improve ad-hoc tasks and projects

Design repeatable processes that can be continuosly improved

Improving any process is painful if nobody was following it in the first place

“So – we’re improving this process” … “Oh nice. But I wasn’t following the process anyway!”

Let’s improve? Impossible

  • You can’t improve a process nobody follows
  • No metrics or feedback to improve
  • “Let’s remember this next time” never works
  • Ad-hoc tasks and projects can’t be compared

Tallyfy transforms improvement

  • Document, track and measure in the same platform
  • Use metrics, data and feedback to improve processes
  • There’s only one version – it’s the latest, best one
  • Make change management easy and automated

What is the ROI of Tallyfy?

Tallyfy delivers the journey to better operations

Documentation, delegation, automation, reminders, tracking and improvement in a single platform

The full journey to better operations

The incredible power of tiny gains

Improving a process by just 1% a day from feedback and usage metrics makes it over 37 times better in just one year. This visual comes from the New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits by James Clear. Don’t publish process docs and hope that someone looks at them. To get compounding returns you must Tallyfy the process, track status and keep improving it.

The exponential power of continuos improvement in a process

You are losing dollars – if you try to save cents

86% of business managers highlight that complicated process is a barrier to business growth” – Harvard Business Review

20 – 30% of company revenue is lost each year due to lack of understanding of business processes” – Entrepreneur

44% of the productivity lost during the average work day is due to inefficient processes” – IT Pro Portal

“Structured workflow is vital. It takes 25 minutes to focus on a task after getting distracted. (This means that email and chat are not for processes)” – New York Times

“Successful workflow projects (on modern platforms) had no less than a 10% IRR (internal rate of return) with some as high as 360% IRR.” – Gartner

“Tallyfy is delicious. Really love how we can make tasks repeatable and how we can send webhooks to update a CRM or any other application.” – HM Government

Large studies show that a significant portion of work time is wasted not doing primary duties

Create and run automated, scalable workflows on Tallyfy

Can you tolerate the pain and cost of every person in your organization wasting ~2 hours a day on busywork? Imagine if you could say goodbye to workflow chaos permanently within one or two days of adopting Tallyfy.