Business Process Optimization: Definition, How-To & Examples

Business Process Optimization is the act of taking your old business processes and optimizing them for efficiency. The general idea is to make it more efficient – the means of doing that, however, can vary a lot.

Business Process Optimization is one of the final steps for Business Process Management (BPM), a methodology that advocates for constant process re-evaluation and improvement. So, to make it work, you should have already carried out the first three steps critical for any BPM initiative. Specifically…

Process Identification – You should have already picked a process you’d like to work on. In most cases, you’d usually go for processes that are important for the company and are a profit-driver. What’s the point of business process optimization if it doesn’t have any impact?

Business Process Mapping – Unless you have the process mapped out, you’ll have a hard time finding potential improvements. If you don’t already a map for the process, you can do that by creating a flowchart using pen & paper, or using workflow software.

Business Process Analysis – Before you can start improving the business processes, you should first analyze each and every step. The analysis itself can either be super straightforward, with some glaringly obvious potential changes or a bit more difficult, if the problem is not too obvious. In the latter case, you can use some of the business process improvement tools to find the inefficiencies.

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So if you’ve already got all that out of the way, you should have a clearly defined & mapped out process, and a couple of ideas on how to optimize it.

How to do Business Process Optimization

As we’ve already mentioned, there can be a lot of different ways to do business process optimization. This, of course, really depends on the process in question – there is no one size fits all solution.

In most cases, however, optimization is done through either of the following methods…

Process Improvement or Re-Structuring

This one’s pretty simple, and all it takes is a good look at each step of the process.

The idea is, you need to identify the processes or steps that are…

Wasteful – Each step within a process should, somehow, add a certain value to the end goal (which is either a product or some sort of output), and the process itself should amount to something in the context of organizational goals. Sometimes, however, you’ll find that certain steps or processes are actually useless, without creating any sort of value.

  Not sure what a wasteful process looks like? Read up on the 7 wastes of lean to learn about the different types of waste.

Inefficient or Improvable – This means that a step (or a process) is simply not as efficient as it could be. There might be a lot more steps than needed, for example. Approval processes tend to be guilty of this quite often. If you’d want to get a new project off the ground, you would need approval from the senior management within the company. Meaning, you might have to wait for 5+ extremely busy executives to get the time to read the document and give you a green light.

Once you found processes or steps that fall into these categories, all you have to do is improve them for efficiency. This can be done by restructuring the process (change the steps or order or steps), eliminating useless processes (or steps), or by doing a little bit of both.


No one likes manual work. Sometimes, it really does make you feel like a cog in the machine, doing something that even a robot could do. There are cases, though, where that’s exactly the situation – what you’re doing IS something a robot can do, and all you have to do is find the right tool or software.

Business Process Automation (BPA) can help take out any menial labor from your employee’s workloads, which leads to high productivity (employees work more on what matters) and morale (no one likes grunt work).

While how you’re doing automation varies by the task, here’s a few common examples…

  If social media management or customer support isn’t that relevant to your business, you might want to check out these 15+ business automation tools.

Technology Adoption & Complete Process Change

Adopting the right technology can really be a game changer; unlike the first two options, it doesn’t exactly optimize a process. Rather, it changes it completely.

So for example, let’s say you use a whiteboard to manage your daily to-dos within your company. By adopting a task management software such as Trello, you’d instantly be improving the efficiency of your business, without even changing any of the processes. With software in charge, you’d be seeing benefits like…

For a more process-oriented example, there’s workflow management software. Instead of having to manually keep track of workflows through email or chat, you can use a dedicated system to manage all of your processes through one dashboard. This can automatically eliminate a lot of issues you’d encounter with process management, such as…

  Want to give workflow software a try, but don’t know where to start? Our guide to workflow applications should give you the right know-how to get things going. If you’re not sure which software provider to pick, though, read up our comparison guide to best workflow systems on the market.


Now that you know the ins and outs of business process optimization, all that’s left is actually putting it into practice. Theory, after all, can only take you so far. So, do this…

  1. Identify weak or inefficient processes
  2. Map it out
  3. Analyze it. Find if there are any better ways of doing it
  4. Optimize the process, by either restructuring it, automating it, or adopting some tech that will completely change the way it works

Have any other questions about process optimization? Did we miss anything important? Do let us know in the comments!

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