Digital strategy consulting firm chooses Tallyfy for workflows

Digital Prism Advisors (dPrism) is a New York based digital strategy consulting firm helping medium to large organizations grow through effective utilization of data and digital capabilities.

Their team is comprised of highly respected former C-level operating executives who chose Tallyfy because of its functionality and ease-of-use.

Len Gilbert

COO at Digital Prism Advisors

Len Gilbert

What was the core problem you wanted to solve?

We wanted to ensure that we had processes in place for key regular functions and that they could be accessed by multiple people.

We wanted to be able to track routine processes to ensure that they were completed in a timely way in order to deliver a higher quality digital strategy consulting service.

Tallyfy has the best combination of functionality and ease-of-use

What processes does your digital strategy consulting business run on Tallyfy?

We run all of our processes on Tallyfy. Some of these processes include:

Business Development

Referrals for digital strategy consulting

Client related

Client onboarding

Account kick-offs

Contract and SoW approvals

Human Resources

Contractor onboarding and offboarding

Contractor onboarding and offboarding screen tallyfy

How did your digital strategy consulting firm do these tasks and processes before Tallyfy?

All our internal processes were done manually and on an ad-hoc basis.

What other software did you evaluate before you chose Tallyfy? Why did you select Tallyfy?

We evaluated dozens of applications.

We felt that Tallyfy was the best combination of functionality and ease-of-use.

What improvements have you seen as a result of using Tallyfy?

By forcing ourselves to write out the processes we can now ensure that steps are not missed or done out of order. Generally, there are fewer mistakes.

How would you describe Tallyfy?

Tallyfy helps you create repeatable processes and then make sure that your team follows those processes.

Would you recommend Tallyfy to others? If so, to who and why?

Yes, I would!

I think several departments in any business would benefit from Tallyfy – Operations, finance, account management and even sales. It certainly is a good fit for a digital strategy consulting firm like ours.

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Ready to digitize and track your workflows? Discover Tallyfy.

About the author - Amit Kothari

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