How to Map BPMN Patterns and Examples into Tallyfy

First – let’s get some context. BPMN is used by legacy BPM software tools. In today’s age, it’s a great idea to start moving away from BPMN for these very compelling reasons:

If you already use BPMN or are familiar with it – this guide was for you. Tallyfy is the new way to map, track and improve processes. It’s built for anyone (including clients) – not just for process improvement professionals, IT staff or business analysts.

This articles defines known/common patterns in BPMN from legacy BPM tools. For each BPMN pattern, we’ve defined a Tallyfy equivalent that’s fit for modern work.


BPMN pattern description

Task A, B, and C are completed in order.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

Once task A is completed, show task B. Once task B is completed, show/assign task C.

Parallel Split

BPMN pattern description

After task A is completed, tasks B and C are to be completed concurrently. (V1) B and C are to be completed together. (V2) B and C are to be completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

Once task A is completed, show/assign task B and C.


BPMN pattern description

After task A and B are completed, task C/D is to be completed. (V1) once both A and B are completed together; (V2) once A and B are both independently completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

Once task A and B are completed, show/assign task C/D.

Exclusive Choice

BPMN pattern description

Depending on information gathered in task A, either task B or C is to be completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

If task A contains information X, task B is to be completed. If task A does not contain X, task C is to be completed.

Simple Merge

BPMN pattern description

After task A and B are completed, task C is to be completed. (V2) Task C can only be started once both A and B are completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

(V1) Once task A and B are completed, show task C. (V2) Once A or B is completed show C.


BPMN pattern description

A decision made in task A leads to either task B or C.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

(V1) If task A contains B, show task B. If task A contains C, show task C. (V2) A choice of either B or C is given in A. If B is selected show task B; if C is selected, show task C.


BPMN pattern description

After task A is completed, tasks B and C are to be completed, after which task D is to be completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

After task A is completed, show tasks B and C. After task B or C is completed, show task D.

N out M Join

BPMN pattern description

After task A is completed, tasks B1, B2, and B3 are to be completed. When either of the B tasks are completed, task C is to be completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

After task A is completed, show tasks B1, B2, and B3. After task B1, B2, or B3 is completed, show task C.

Note on issue – This would more easily work in Tallyfy if there was the ability to create two rules for one task: (when A is completed, show task B1. If task B2 or B3 is completed, hide task B1). We’re working on it.

Synchronizing Merge

BPMN pattern description

After task A is completed, tasks B and C are to be completed. When B or C is completed, task D is to be completed. (V2) B and/or C.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

After task A is completed, show tasks B and C. After task B or C is completed, show task D and (V1) hide the other of B or C.

Deferred Choice

BPMN pattern description

After A is completed, depending on outcome of event, B or C will be completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

After task A is completed, assign task X. If task X response contains answer B, open task B. If task X response contains answer C, open task C.

Interleaved Routing

BPMN pattern description

After A is completed, depending on outcome of event, B or C will be completed. After both B and C are completed, a choice is made between E and D. If E is selected, E is completed, then D. If D is selected, D is completed, then E. After D (after E) is completed, F is completed. After E (after D) is completed, G is completed. After both F and G are completed, H is completed.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

After task A is completed, assign task X. If task X response contains answer B, open task B. If task X response contains answer C, open task C. After Tasks B and C are complete, open tasks D and E. When tasks D and E are complete, open tasks F and G. When tasks F and G are complete, open task H.

Note on issue. This does not completely replicate the diagram. To do that, you would need to be able to split a process into two processes, yet be able to have rules that make what happens in process one dependent on process two. We’re working on it.

Tiered Approval

BPMN pattern description

Event in Step A has results 1, 2, and 3. If event results in 1, Approval A is needed before proceeding to Step B. If event results in 2, both Approvals A and B are needed before proceeding to Step B. If event results in 3, Approval C is needed in addition to A and B before proceeding to Step B.

Equivalent of pattern in Tallyfy

When Step A is completed, open task Approval A. If step A contains 2 or step A contains 3, open task Approval B. If step A contains 3, open Approval C.

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