Do you know the cost of busywork in handling form submits?
How do I do this?
What's the status of this?
I forgot we had to do that
What comes next?
Every workflow - digitized
Everyone is happy and efficient
Newbies are auto-trained
Grow revenue without chaos
US average wage is $44/h
Nobody enjoys busywork
Free up time for innovation
Automate mundane stuff
Form building skills without the bills
Need help? We guarantee you can schedule free 25-minute screen-sharing calls with our workflow experts for life. We can build or migrate your existing form for you on Tallyfy!
Tallyfy is the only form builder and routing software that’s discounted using the GDP-per-capita of your primary country. You won’t find this value in any other premium platform.
Tallyfy is a system that eliminates workflow chaos by tracking every step in a workflow without manual effort. By running trackable, digitized workflows, you can save about 2 hours per person per day, delegate tasks to people or AI, run consistent and standardized processes, and scale operations without friction. For form builders, it’s particularly powerful because it connects forms directly to workflows – eliminating the “submit and pray” problem that most standalone forms have.
What makes form builder software different in Tallyfy?
Unlike traditional form builders that just collect data and send it somewhere, Tallyfy connects every form to an actual workflow. This means when someone submits a form, it automatically triggers a process where the right people get notified and can take action. It’s like having a smart assistant that makes sure nothing falls through the cracks after a form submission.
Why do traditional form builders often fail to deliver value?
Most form builders create “standalone forms” that dump data into a database or email inbox, creating a black hole where follow-up actions are manual and often forgotten. Tallyfy solves this by ensuring every form submission automatically kicks off a tracked process, making sure the right people take the right actions at the right time.
How does Tallyfy handle form data differently?
Tallyfy treats form data as the start of a journey, not the end. Form responses automatically flow through your process, can be used in later steps, and can trigger different workflow paths based on the responses. The system also allows you to pass data between steps and even to other systems through webhooks.
What happens to form submissions in Tallyfy?
Every form submission in Tallyfy automatically triggers a tracked process. The system sends notifications to relevant team members, tracks progress, and ensures nothing gets lost. You can see exactly where each submission is in your process, who’s responsible for the next step, and what actions are pending.
Can I see customer reviews of Tallyfy?
Yes, you can read real customer stories and reviews at These reviews showcase how different organizations have transformed their form-based processes using Tallyfy.
Does Tallyfy offer a free trial?
Yes, Tallyfy offers a personalized demo instance where you can test all features. To get started with your custom demo, schedule a call at and we’ll set everything up for you.
How does Tallyfy’s pricing work for different countries?
Tallyfy offers thoughtful pricing with lifetime discounts based on your country’s GDP per capita. These aren’t temporary promotions – they’re permanent discounts up to 90% off for qualifying companies and countries, making it accessible worldwide.
What makes Tallyfy’s form builder more secure?
Tallyfy includes auto-verification of email submissions, preventing fake submissions from non-existent emails. You can also control form access, making them either public or private, and track every interaction with detailed audit trails.
Does Tallyfy offer free help with form builder implementation?
Yes, Tallyfy offers free professional services to help you implement your form-based workflows. Our team will help you set up, optimize, and launch your forms and processes. Schedule a chat to get started at
Can Tallyfy convert my existing forms?
Yes! Tallyfy has specialized AI that can automatically convert your existing web forms or documents (Paper, Word, Excel, PDF) into Tallyfy templates. This makes migration painless and saves hours of manual work in digitizing your forms.
How do I get started with Tallyfy for form building?
The best way to get started is to schedule a personalized demo with our team. We’ll show you exactly how Tallyfy can transform your form-based processes and set up a custom demo instance for you. Book your demo at