Credit purchase enables you to pre-purchase a certain dollar value of credit, which is then applied against your Tallyfy usage. You can think of it as funding a bank account, which is drawn down as services are used. You need to maintain a backup billing method (a credit or debit card) for over-use, but your billable usage deducts from your credit balance. Use credit purchase if any (or all) of these situations apply:
Your company operates finances via an accounts payable or procurement department, and purchasing in bulk is preferred, due to the costs/burdens associated with payment reconciliation.
You have negotiated a bulk user or enterprise deal with Tallyfy, and wish to pay for that.
Credit cards are either not available for company use – or a debit/credit card purchase is neither possible, permissible or suitable for say, large transactions.
Pre-paying for credit is very simple
Unlike other vendors – paying for Tallyfy credit does not lock you into punitive terms on things like minimum spending, or short expiry (e.g. use it quickly, otherwise the credit expires). We do things differently here.
You want zero hassle and uncertainty on pricing. You want pricing discounts to be predictable and scalable. You want pricing without minimums, maximums or lock-ins – in case your predicted usage doesn’t happen, or if your usage goes up and down. We understand. These are the terms of our credit deals.
You only pay for each activated user. Other software companies force you to buy a set number of users, whether you use those users/seats or not. There’s nothing worse than being locked in to minimum and maximum seats for fixed periods. No such thing at Tallyfy. You only get billed for each user as they actually get activated and you are not billed if they are disabled. Otherwise – your credit is preserved, and doesn’t get used.
Simple for life. Imagine eliminating uncertainty for all your future usage of Tallyfy. For large credit purchases of >$5k – we can offer discounts. The more you purchase, the more you have in credit to use and if the credit is high enough, the more discount you get.
Credit expires in 5 years. That’s right – unused credit stays on your account for 5 years! You can relax – there’s no pressure to use it.
Eliminate contractual complexity. This is very simple. You are effectively pre-purchasing each $1 of credit for an upfront cost of either $1 (no discount) or less than $1. No strings attached. No huge legal bills to agonize the details of complex contracts.
Credit is usable against any plan on Tallyfy.
Credit is usable against any add-ons maintained by Tallyfy in future.
Credit is non-refundable once purchased.
Credit purchases are only payable by wire transfer or ACH to our US bank account – in US dollars.
To discuss credits in detail – please get in touch.