The Process Collaboration Pair Makes Great Organizational DNA

There’s nothing like a double helix to animate an entity, breathe life into it, and help generate objectives and actions. It’s true for fruit flies, human beings, and enterprises. Now, decoding the DNA of animals is immensely complicated. On the other hand, identifying the critical strands that make an organization function effectively is much simpler. Better still, the process works in reverse too. In addition, we can build better, higher performance enterprises, if we make the effort. The process collaboration pair, correctly intertwined, gives an organization much of the basic structure it needs to succeed.

It is the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.Charles Darwin

How Collaboration Helps Enterprises

But why should this be so? Isn’t the ideal enterprise a well-oiled machine that executes processes without missing a step or skipping a beat, steam-rolling its way over competitors and relentlessly raking in profits? Not quite. Enterprises depend on people to succeed. People depend on each other to move in the right direction at the right time. In other words, collaboration is a key part of the mix. As a result, the advantages to organizations are multiple:

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Process Management Makes Collaboration Effective

Examples of collaboration stories include sales teams at GE Aviation reducing task time from a week to a matter of minutes by sharing documents and accessing knowhow. Also, employees in the CEMEX alternative fuels program reduced CO2 emissions and saved the company hundreds of millions of dollars, thanks to experience sharing and process collaboration.

However, collaboration on its own lacks the backbone to bring in meaning, order, and progression. The right business processes provide a framework. Within this, the collaborative muscle can move an organization to desirable results. The aim is to achieve two things:

  1. Embedding of collaboration methodologies within business processes
  2. The shaping of collaborative efforts by business processes to direct them towards results.

Practical Steps Towards Process Collaboration Pairing

These practical steps help organizations to move towards this process and collaboration pairing:

  1. Understand business objectives. Obvious though it may sound, many enterprises skip this critical initial step. First, you must know what you want to achieve. Only then can you map out the process to get there, and build in the collaboration to get there faster and more efficiently.
  2. Understand how work is done.Visualization of process steps easily and rapidly in Tallyfy lets you see which information must be available where, when, and by whom.
  3. Help managers achieve the embedding. The Tallyfy process management platform provides valuable support for the use of suitable collaboration tools, such as enterprise social networks.
  4. Empower employees to work better. Flexible process definition and a process management platform let an enterprise and its staff smoothly handle different outcomes at different stages. That means that employees can get on with their jobs and their collaboration without being unnecessarily blocked.

3 Common Process Collaboration Problems and How to Avoid Them

Conversely, three major pitfalls to avoid in bringing process and collaboration into play for the benefit of an organization are:


In summary, this process collaboration intertwining can propel an enterprise rapidly along the road to success. By respecting a few fundamental principles and by using the right tools for collaboration and process management, staff can build the organizational DNA to get an enterprise and its workforce functioning effectively and efficiently, day in and day out.

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