Automate tasks in minutes

Tallyfy is the simple and proven way to automate tasks between coworkers and clients

Eliminate workflow headaches. Tallyfy your workflows and track them in real-time.

Get a free 14 day free trial. No credit card required and full access to all features.

Tallyfy is Workflow Made Easy®. You can search everywhere – but you won’t find a more satisfying product that automates all your workflows, forms, tasks, processes, approvals and even documents. Tallyfy integrates beautifully with your existing apps. See what customers say

Tallyfy is a workflow and process management platform that lets you capture and automate every process in your company without coding, without flowcharts and without complexity

Tired of endless meetings and emails to check in and touch base ?


Anyone can track the status of any process in real-time on Tallyfy

Have outdated documentation that nobody ever follows or updates?


Everyone launches and runs the latest version of every workflow on Tallyfy

Many flowcharts, documentation tools and project management tools are pretty but ultimately – useless. Choose a task automation system that’s pretty and useful. If you want to permanently eliminate stress at work – . Have questions or concerns? Let’s schedule a personal chat 🙂

Explain it once

Capture tribal knowledge into a system. Create blueprints you can actually run – without complex flowcharts, messy documents or code. Training and automation has never been this powerful and easy.

Image of Does everyone agree tallyfy

Track progress

Instantly turn your approval workflows, procedures and forms into trackable processes. Anyone can see the status of any request or task, anywhere, anytime. Stop all those wasted emails, chats and meetings.

Status and expectations

Automate tasks

Put your processes and playbooks on auto-pilot. Tallyfy instantly shows or hides tasks based on powerful rules. Eliminate the stress of remembering every detail and every little if, but or when.

Tallyfy pays for itself – many times over

Single Sign On
API and Middleware
Real-time BI feed
Create and run automated, scalable workflows on Tallyfy

Eliminate workflow headaches. Tallyfy your workflows and track them in real-time.

Get a free 14 day free trial. No credit card required and full access to all features.