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Send events via the REST API

You can send actor profiles along by using the endpoint POST /events.

Required keys

  • org_id (required) string - Manufactory org ID.
  • project_id (required) number - The project ID associated with this schema.
  • actor_profile (required) object - Pairs containing attribute name and the corresponding value while considering the correct attribute names and data types. Please refer to Get Actors schema.
  • attributes (required) object - Pairs containing attribute name and the corresponding value while considering the correct attribute names and data types. Please refer to Get events schema.

Request example

"org_id": "demo",
"project_id": 12345,
"actor_profile": {
"microservice": "accounts-ms"
"attributes": {
"request_method": "POST",
"request_url": "/login",
"request_body": {
"username": "john",
"password": "123"
"request_ip": ""

Response example

"message": "success"

Agent > Send events via the CLI agent

Events can be sent through the Manufactory agent by providing base64-encoded actor and event objects containing the required attribute-value pairs according to their respective schemas.

Events > Create events schema

The endpoint allows creation of events schema by specifying organization ID, project ID, and attribute definitions through an authenticated POST request to manage event data structures.

Collector > Collecting events via REST API

The REST API enables data transmission of actors and events to Manufactory through various methods including REST API endpoints, websocket connections, and CLI agent integration.

Events > Get events schema

The events schema endpoint allows retrieval of project-specific event attribute definitions through a GET request using organization ID and project ID, returning details like event names, types, and data formats.