Rest Api > Send events via the REST API
The POST /events endpoint enables sending actor profiles by requiring org_id project_id actor_profile and attributes with specific data formatting and returns a success message upon completion.
After filling the required values in the previous section, we can start sending actor’s generated events via Manufactory agent.
(required) object - Pairs containing attribute name and the corresponding value while considering the correct attribute names and data types. Please refer to Get Actors schema.--event
(required) object - Pairs containing attribute name and the corresponding value while considering the correct attribute names and data types. Please refer to Get events schema.{ "city": "New York", "country": "USA", "username": "john.doe", "email": ""}
{ "event_name": "login", "event_type": "user-actions", "made_purchase": false}
Before we pass actor and event objects, we need to encode the objects using base64.
manufactory-agent --actor=ewogICAgImNpdHkiOiAiTmV3I \ --event=ewogICAgImV2ZW50X25hbWUiO==
The agent will handle the authentication and sending events, then it will shut down.
Rest Api > Send events via the REST API
Collector > Collecting events via our CLI agent
Websocket > Send events via the web socket