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Every record you index in Answers called an Object.

If the object contains an id field of type string, Answers will use that field as the identifier for the document. Otherwise, Answers will assign an auto-generated identifier to the document. Since it’s a special field, the id field is not required to be defined as part of the collection schema.

Answers > Collections

Collections act as organizational structures in Answers that group similar objects together and function like database tables for efficient data management and retrieval.

Collections > Create a collection

Collections must be created with a name before adding objects to Answers which automatically detects properties and data types based on indexed objects supporting string and list of strings formats.

Collections > Get a collection

A method to retrieve detailed information about a specific collection by using its designated name within the system.

Collections > Update a collection

Collections can be updated to modify their properties and attributes while maintaining their role as database-like structures for organizing similar objects.